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TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1982 7/28 (25%) hospital outcome disability won Kardon
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 7, 1982 5:05 PM Sunday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane does no “work” at all any more. She hasn’t touched Seven III. I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t calling upon her creative powers to her help out of the tragic situation she’s created for herself, and me. Even if I’d helped her create such a lifestyle in the past, unwittingly, I was certainly dead-set against it now, and had been for several years. I was constantly appalled and amazed that she’d let her seemingly hopeless condition and situation drag on day after day, until such a crisis point as we now faced was reached, where we now had little room to maneuver.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now: I can offer you no better advice than I have given, since it is advice couched in truth. (Long pause.) The body behaves as I have stated, and so does the mind. Of late the situation has led to at least a momentary framework in which physical disabilities take a good bit of mental and physical time. Their own nature stresses the idea of disability, say, over constructive work. Time is spent “getting better” that otherwise would be spent in any other area of activity. It is almost, at least, as if you decide to take so many hours a day and struggle with a physical condition, through whose unique cast you would view your private reality and that world. (Long pause.) Ruburt’s body is recovering a good deal of inner responsiveness, or motion—moving more quickly in specific areas.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I bid you a fond good evening—for now, and see what happens.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(“I guess so,” she said. “The funny thing is, I believe it now in a way I didn’t used to.”

(Her statement represented an important point, one that I wasn’t too sharp in appreciating at the moment, so poor was my own outlook. I would like to deviate from the session notes here, and comment that sometimes typing this material several days after it’s been given isn’t easy: One’s ideas change, to such a degree even that opinions and feelings of even a few days ago can seem mightily out of place. When I wrote the notes for this session, I probably felt as badly as I ever have, whereas when I now find myself typing this material [on November 9] I am aware of a most heartening change for the better.

(I would like to record the original notes I wrote for the session, then, but at the same time I recommended to Jane that she not read them. I now think it would do her little good to do so. Seth did come through again, briefly, and I suggest that Jane skip down to his material. In the meantime, I’ll continue the original notes.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(I have no ideas at all as to the moving-back-to-Sayre business goes. Whatever we do, it will be together, regardless of Jane’s fears of abandonment. I am as committed to her as I am to breathing, and whatever we do comes after that. I’ll let it all rest in Framework 2 from now on. This is the course I-we should have followed all along. Good luck, kids—you’ll need it.)

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