1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 7 1982" AND stemmed:natur)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Now: I can offer you no better advice than I have given, since it is advice couched in truth. (Long pause.) The body behaves as I have stated, and so does the mind. Of late the situation has led to at least a momentary framework in which physical disabilities take a good bit of mental and physical time. Their own nature stresses the idea of disability, say, over constructive work. Time is spent “getting better” that otherwise would be spent in any other area of activity. It is almost, at least, as if you decide to take so many hours a day and struggle with a physical condition, through whose unique cast you would view your private reality and that world. (Long pause.) Ruburt’s body is recovering a good deal of inner responsiveness, or motion—moving more quickly in specific areas.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
(5:43 PM. And that was it. We need a lot more. I probably won’t call Dr. Kardon or the hospital tomorrow, but will simply wait for nature to take its course, since except for the movement in the knees—which hasn’t increased—it’s been all bad, so the general outcome for the future is all but inevitable. I’d told Jane earlier, referring to it several times from different angles, that I felt the sessions were closing themselves down, for good. I may even make that decision myself. I’ve also thought of not finishing Dreams, but going back to painting for the rest of my life—another option. I know that sooner or later I’ll be doing this no matter what the outcome of our present situation is, whenever Dreams is finished, I suspect at this time.
[... 1 paragraph ...]