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TPS7 Deleted Session November 6, 1983 12/35 (34%) foot leg motion cigarette move
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 6, 1983 3:58 PM Sunday

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(When I got to 330 this afternoon Jane pointed out to me that she wore no dressing on her right elbow or the little toes of her left foot. I must admit I hadn’t noticed as I got her ready for lunch. But the skin of her elbow looked much improved, much more normal. This is the result of the changes I’d begun to notice when this group of sessions started on October 9—less than a month ago. Remarkable, I told her, and I sincerely hope it’s a sign of many more good things to come.

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(Jane said her foot and ankle are sore, and bothered her during the night—the right one, that is—but that it feels okay at the moment. I thought it was from its recent moving, after such a long period of inactivity. The left foot and leg are okay.

(3:00. Jane began reading yesterday’s session. It wasn’t easy for her, but she kept at it as I worked on mail, and she finished at 3:20. She’d eaten a good lunch, once more. She said that her right foot kept wanting “to push out” from its doubled up position. “But I can’t do it yet,” she said, “so I’ll try to forget about it.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:43. More head and left leg and foot motions—rather strong. “It’s safe. It’s all right,” Jane kept saying. At 3:50 Cathy came in, then Carol. Temperature—96.6. BP 112 over 60. Finally Jane told me to get out my paper and pen. Seth was around.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(4:05. “It’s me.” Jane said after a pause.

(I’d been upset and encouraged at the same time by the cigarette episode Jane had described to me just before the session. It seems that last night the nurse—Dawn? —had accidentally dropped the lighted cigarette, and Jane had jerked her legs out of the way to avoid being burned, or to avoid the threat of injury. “You never saw me move so fast in your whole life.” she’d said. or used words to that effect.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(I tried to explain to Jane that fear on conscious levels was what was holding her back. That Seth was right: The body was perfectly willing to move, and knew how to do so, if it was allowed to do so. “Maybe it was my ulcers that kept me from moving all that time,” she said.

(“It wasn’t the ulcers,” I said, meaning that the will or the intent to move had been blocked. “That sudden motion shows what potential is still there. It’s very revealing.” After all, if the motion had been allowed on a daily basis, the ulcers would never have developed in the first place. Jane agreed.

(4:17. Now Jane launched into a series of more general motions, with many noises, groanings and gruntings. Head, shoulders, arms and legs. She said her head rotated on her neck in a new way. The left ankle clearly showed additional flexibility. “When that left foot starts to move it feels like its going to fly right off,” Jane said. “It feels so free.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:30. Jane fell asleep, flat on her back, mouth open, breathing loudly. I worked with the mail. Waking, she said she’d dreamed that she was home in the shower, on her hands and knees part of the time, with the water cascading upon her head. She also raised her arms above her head in a perfectly normal way as she wet her hair while standing up, she said. We hoped the dream was another therapeutic episode along the way.

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(4:40. Jane said Seth wanted to return.)

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(At 4:50 I turned Jane on her left side, and massaged her with Oil of Olay as I continued the dehypnotizing process. The supper tray came. I took a nap from 5:10 to 5:40 while Jane watched TV. When I got up for supper she said she’d dozed briefly and had another, briefer dream episode like the one she’d had earlier. Again, it had encouraged the idea of motion, and she was pleased.

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