1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 5 1983" AND stemmed:left)
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(When I got to 330 Jane was lying on her left side with a pillow under her left leg, as well as the sponge between her knees. This system had been suggested by Toni, and seemed to work well, since it helped minimize the pressure on Jane’s left shoulder.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
(4:10. She had her left leg up in the air, head going up and down. She made many noises and grunts. “The right one wants to go, too.” She had a sip of ginger ale. Her right arm began going in rapid circles, head bobbing. Then her left foot, then the left arm and the right foot moved. A couple of minutes later she came across with a burst of very strong and rapid motions generally. Rest.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(4:29. Now Jane began a long series of exercises involving different parts of her whole body at different times. Many of them were strong indeed, with loud grunting and panting noises. Sometimes she talked to herself. I put my hands on her left ankle and could feel the action of the bones and muscles and tendons therein as she rotated it, up in the air, with a good amount of freedom.
(4:37. Suddenly Jane began rocking her head and neck back and forth against the pillow quite violently, at the same time making a series of crying noises. Her left leg came up off the bed and pillow in tune with the head movements. “Oh boy,” she cried, “did you see that?”
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(4:50. Jane’s left foot and leg began moving so much. up and down, then sideways, that I took away her cigarette and ashtray. Then she discovered that she can now touch the pillow behind her left ear with her left hand—something she couldn’t do even a day or so ago. I remembered when she’d considered it a triumph to be able to barely reach her left ear with her left hand. Now she can reach perhaps three inches behind the ear. Another triumph.
(Jane ate another excellent supper after she’d rested and I’d taken a short nap. We were almost through the second reading of the prayer when there came a knock on the door. It was Margaret Bumbalo, come to visit. I left. I’d read today’s session to Jane right after supper.
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