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TPS7 Deleted Session November 3, 1983 13/28 (46%) chipmunk cranberry foot juice motions
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 3, 1983 4:35 PM Thursday

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(Jane is back to drinking cranberry juice after passing the bladder stone, but is feeling okay and no more stones have showed up. She said that when she was alone in hydro this morning she felt her right foot [of the broken leg] lift up spontaneously at the toes. The left foot moved also. No one else has noticed her new motions yet. At various times she’s also felt motion even with her head and shoulders. These are all excellent signs, I told her.

(Jane ate another excellent lunch. At 3:05 she started reading aloud yesterday’s session, and did pretty good, finishing it all by herself. She was through with it by 3:22, and five minutes later her feet began moving a bit. I told Jane I wanted to go over some of the past sessions with her this afternoon. Sharon came in to do her vitals, LuAnn her eye drops. Temperature was 97.1.

(3:48. Jane began a series of motions again, her left leg going sideways, her head in rhythm also. Different motions were involved in the foot, and I could see the muscles in her left leg moving with the effort. Heavy breathing. “See, this other leg’s trying to do it too,” Jane said. More and more the more inactive right leg and foot show signs of wanting to join in the daily dance of motion.

(3:52. Left foot up in the air and flexing well at the ankle. “It feels like the right knee wants to move more than it has,” Jane said. Head back and forth. Jane said the lower opening below her right knee had started draining a bit this morning, and staff had put a small bandage there. “You can feel the right foot wanting to come up off the bed, but only the toes makes it....” 3:58. Left leg back and forth rapidly against the pillow support. Cranberry juice.

(“Boy, that right leg wants to move,” Jane said. “It could do that sideways thing like the left one, before I broke it.”

(At 4:05 I took away her ashtray from her belly because her right arm needed the room to move. “And when it wants to move, it wants to move,” Jane said. Then her left arm began swinging out in a circle. Then both arms and the head went. Generalized body motions. “When everything gets moving like that,” Jane said, as far as the motion goes, it has its own impetus.”

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(“That’s good,” I said. “It’s the precursor to it doing just that,” Jane agreed. Her left foot rotated freely at the ankle again as she made noises. Head back and forth. “Shhhhh.”

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(4:22. I touched her spots on her neck and head—and her head went back and forth almost violently again. “I don’t know what to do,” Jane said as she rested. “I can feel Seth around, but every time I do, I start moving again.” I said the motion came first as far as I knew. She drank a little more cranberry juice and had a cigarette while I worked with the mail.

(When Seth came through Jane’s Seth voice was the best I’ve heard it yet. It had a strong undertone, was deeper, and definitely gave me the feeling that there was a lot of potential power there that she wasn’t releasing because of the hospital environment.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(4:41 PM. “The colors in the room look better.” Jane said. “I felt that he could really blast off with that voice. I told her that for the first time I too had sensed that terrific potential in the Seth voice—another excellent sign.

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(“Oh yeah,” Jane said. I’d explained to her when I came in today that last night when I got home I’d found a dead chipmunk lying on the carpet near the coffee table. Billy and Mitzi had been at their ease in the living room also, on various chairs. There were no marks on the chipmunk’s little body; they hadn’t tried to eat the creature.

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(“The funny thing is,” I told Jane, “there’s a bowl of sunflower seeds in the garage, near the door where chipmunks can squeeze in, but they haven’t been touched for days....” She suggested I ask Seth again for something on the little drama.

(The supper tray came by 4:45. Five minutes later I turned Jane. She did well. “I feel like I could alternate sessions and motions until nine o’clock tonight,” she’d said just before I turned her. “It’s sure as shit something I couldn’t do before.”

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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