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TPS7 Deleted Session November 28, 1983 12/26 (46%) diet nightshade recovery knuckle Steve
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 28, 1983 4:07 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane told me that this morning in hydro her right leg “opened up quite a bit” as she lay on the litter. In fact, this made her slightly off balance on the litter, and she asked for help to be repositioned. There wasn’t any danger. Her arms are looser again, too.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(3:00. I rubbed the flower extract Steve Blumenthal had given Jane last night on her knuckles of the right hand; we’ll use that location as a test site. Tracy didn’t come with Steve. And Steve didn’t ask Jane if he could see me, so I didn’t hear from him.

(3:23. While I worked with mail, Jane began reading yesterday’s session. She did quite well, though not as fast as she can do. She finished in ten minutes. “Though it’s not my best.”

(3:42. Dawn came in to take Jane’s temperature—97.4—and pulse.

(3:52. Jane had a cigarette: She said she’d meant to tell me today: For the first time in a very long while, she had pain in the first knuckle of her forefinger on her left hand—and the finger is starting to bend at that knuckle. I saw it bend a little after she told me. More good news, I told her.

(Then Jane told me that in hydro Gail Greene said that one of the ulcers on her back was starting to bleed a bit—another good sign, since the bleeding is a sign of healing. The ulcer on Jane’s knee showed that sign before it began to heal.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(3:12. Sharon came in to take Jane’s blood pressure. Jane hadn’t mentioned her imagery involving the bridge, or her feelings during the prayer. These were definite but very fleeting, she said. I learned that I’d also confused something Jane had told me about her visualizing efforts yesterday: she’d meant she saw herself washing down 1730 Pinnacle, not 458 West Water Street. Yet she said that she’d also hosed down the old apartment house, too. I thought I remembered her doing this.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(4:22 P.M. Jane said she’d felt that surge of freedom twice while doing the prayer this morning. Good signs. She hasn’t done any strong movements now in several days, so we await the body’s decisions and readiness to do more, when it wants to and is ready.

(Jane did do a few minor motions after the session, and before I turned her—wriggling her toes. Indeed, she said the underside of the toes on her right foot tingled, as with added circulation; they were very sensitive to my touch as I massaged her with Oil of Olay after turning her on her side before supper.

(Another development cropped up just before supper time, and even brought tears to Jane. Out of the mail I’d picked a letter from a sincere individual who’d tried to visit us this summer. I hadn’t been home and he’d left a card on the porch floor; eventually I’d answered it. His rather long letter dealt with Dr. Childers’ nightshade diet for arthritis; the writer claimed he had a close friend who had recovered completely from rheumatoid arthritis that had plagued him since childhood, by following this diet—no potatoes, paprika [peppers], tomatoes, and a few other common foods of the nightshade family.

(I told Jane I wouldn’t mind having Seth comment tomorrow. The idea of a “cure” upset me, if it was available and we weren’t trying it. But then, Seth said Jane doesn’t have arthritis—so that’s what we’ve been going by. I wanted to know what part beliefs played in such diets, that worked, and I wanted to know about the wide variance in human responses. In short, I wanted something from Seth about whether it was worth it, or even necessary, that Jane try this diet—which, after all, would be the latest in the series of schemes I’ve come across in efforts to help her. [The last one was the anti-amoebic medication regime.] And what does it all mean, I asked, if she’s getting better now without any special diet or foods?

(I could see that the whole question had touched an unexpected nerve in Jane, so we’d better get something on the question; maybe we can lay it to rest for good. I’ve been feeling good, enthusiastic, about what we’ve been doing, and it seems to be getting results. I’d say that Seth’s session today, Sweetheart, shows that we’re on the right track. That there’s no need for us to shove a bunch of beliefs upon a diet. Let’s hear it, Seth!)

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