1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 27 1983" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 27, 1983 11/26 (42%) Surgical nurses Pinnacle atticle ate
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 27, 1983 4:00 PM Sunday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Yesterday, Saturday, had been a quiet day for Jane. She didn’t have a session. Debbie Harris had visited the night before. Jane ate well Saturday, and did but a few mild motions with her left foot, head and shoulders, and arms. “Actually, I don’t know what I’m doing.” She dozed or napped several times while I sat beside her, working with mail. She did poorly trying to read the last session.

(Early in the morning, Jane said, she had successfully managed to imagine herself back at 458 West Water Street, cleaning the place, washing the windows inside and out, very agilely climbing about—doing all of those things she’d loved to do, even to hosing down the house from the outside. But when she tried to picture herself doing the same things at 1730 Pinnacle, she didn’t do nearly as well. “Things got all muddy.” We thought this meant that 458 had many more pleasant connotations for her than did 1730 Pinnacle, our current residence.

(Jane had engaged in her spontaneous actions re 458 in response to Seth’s suggestions in the last session—that she imagine others complementing her on how well she was doing, and so forth. She had trouble visualizing such situations, she said.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Today was another quiet day for us. Jane’s body is evidently off doing its own thing, or some such, I said. Or maybe it plain wants to rest from all of the activities it’s initiated since last October 9. Either way, we’ll find out what’s up.

(Jane was already on her back when I got there at 1:05. I noticed at once that she has a much smaller patch on her left elbow—it’s approaching the state of healing the right one showed a couple of weeks ago. Another good sign, I reminded her. She also said that both arms definitely move more easily and through a wider range than they used to even recently—another good sign.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(We searched through If We Live Again, looking for a certain poem she’d written in January 1980, in connection with a session I’m typing for Dreams, but when we found the poem it was not the one we wanted. I answered some mail, and told Jane I’d have a session any time she wanted one. I was also curious to get some material from Seth on child prodigies, relevant to an atticle I’d just read at the house.

(After Lorrie and Dawn had taken her vitals at 3:47—temperature 97.6—Jane did have a short session.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(4:04 PM. Jane had a cigarette. How interesting, I said, to have new improvements to look forward to! What would they be? Jane didn’t know either. She had me rub those certain spots on her neck that can send her head flying against the pillow—but when I found them there was hardly any reaction at all. Truly, her body wanted to do things in its own way. “Quit pushing it,” I finally said, about her neck. “The body doesn’t want to do that right now....”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:25. Jane made a few desultory movements with her left foot. I noticed another good sign, though: With her left hand she slid her glasses down her nose far enough so she could rub her left eye—then worked the glasses back up into position with the same hand. This was something she couldn’t have done even last week. As stated earlier, she said that her hands and arms definitely work better than they used to.

(After my nap, Jane ate well once again. She is starting to pick up a few spasms from the new catheter. A couple of the nurses told us that Surgical 3 is back up to full operations again—with a load of some 15 patients coming in this morning, for a total of 22 or 23.

(I read the prayer with Jane at 7:05, then left. She’s to try to call. If Steve and Tracy visit, she’ll wait for them to suggest seeing me; Jane will ask them to call first. It’s 9:30 as I finish typing, and they haven’t called.)

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