1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 2 1982" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1982 14/23 (61%) sc abandonment November iii dozing
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 2, 1982 8:55 PM Tuesday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(The call was over our speakerphone, so Jane could hear SC when he said that her Seven III “was charming,” and that he liked it very much. He wants to see more, and I explained what Jane has ready and has yet to do. [...] Jane was very pleased that SC liked Seven, since I learned that she’d been worrying about this. [...]


[...] I said Jane’s mother had been abandoned by her father, that her grandparents had also been separated through bitter argument, and that Jane herself had often been threatened with such a fate by her mother. Also—because of the nature of her own psychic work, Jane must feel abandoned by the literary establishment—and even society in general—no matter if certain people do buy her books. [...]


[...] Jane had finished her cigarette but hadn’t taken off her glasses yet. [...] [Billy had caught a mouse in my writing room this afternoon.] “I’m just waiting,” Jane said, half-dozing. [...] If only Jane could understand that she had nothing to fear by way of abandonment from me, I thought. [...]


(Yesterday, Jane wrote for me, at my request, a few lines about Seth’s remark in last Saturday’s session, to the effect that she’s been picking up some unusual versions of perception lately. The original is attached to this session: “I’ve experienced odd perceptions in relaxed states,” Jane wrote. [...]


(Yesterday morning I took a call from Nancy Overton and Saul Cohen, who evidently will have the job of shepherding Jane’s work through Prentice-Hall, now that Tam has left. The call was in response to my letter to Nancy on October 22, re Tam telling Jane that Pocket Books had published the paperback edition of Seven II. [...]


(Elsbeth W. visited this noon, bringing Jane two skirts she’d made for her, plus several blouses she thought Jane could use this winter. [...]


[...] I wanted Jane to lie down also, since she’d sat in her chair since about 7:30 this morning. [...] Now Jane told me however, that she was feeling “panicky.” [...]


[...] Jane had me light a cigarette for her. [...] Jane said there had been some upsets. [...]


[...] It instead represents the time I went out to the card table to join Jane and wait for one to begin.


(Shortly after I’d finished with the call, Jane asked me a question: “Does the name M-i-l-n-e-r mean anything to you?”

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