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TPS7 Deleted Session November 19, 1983 11/24 (46%) lunch shoulders straighten hydro foot
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 19, 1983 4:10 PM Saturday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The day was warm—50 degrees—and rainy and cloudy. I got to room 330 at 1:08. Jane told me that in hydro this morning she’d felt new movement in her right leg—the broken one—that it both tried to move more, and to straighten out more. Another good sign, I said.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(2:41. I began working with the mail. Lunch was finished much later than usual. Jane had a cigarette while waiting to see what she’d do next.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(3:30. Another repeat. Jane’s body most definitely seems to be concentrating on its upper half, as it did yesterday, with only light motions in a leg or foot, say.

(3:35. Jane tried reading yesterday’s session. Halting at first, but she picked up considerable speed as she went along, better than I thought she would do. “It’s not my best, but....”

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(4:00. Carol took Jane’s blood pressure. She’s moving up to the 5th floor. There have been so many changes in personnel that it’s become routine.

(Then Jane told me she wanted to have a little session.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

He had another brief-enough surge of blueness this morning (which Jane didn’t tell me about), and the sessions enabled him to cut such experiences short, or to nip them in the bud, so to speak.

He is right: the leg did move better this morning as he lay on the litter after hydro. He could feel it try to straighten itself out further, and in doing so motions necessary for normal walking began to activate. The hands are also improving—not only in flexibility, but in strength. He was able to hold the small green plastic bowl with much more confidence this morning—to hold it evenly (Jane didn’t tell me about that, either). The legs are also progressing at their own rate, knowing themselves which activities are necessary, and when.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(4:l6 PM. “Wow,” Jane exclaimed as soon as she’d come out of trance. “I opened my eyes now, and got that effect of better color again, where everything’s brighter.”

(Now from 4:21 to 4:30 Jane went through several more sequences of exercising with her head and shoulders, side to side, accompanied by grunts and groans, and with her left foot moving in a rather gentle rhythm also.

(4:30. I peeled the patch off her right elbow. Jane is trying to drink more water. I turned her at 4:50, and massaged her with Oil of Olay as usual. She did much better eating supper. I left at 7:15, after saying the prayer with her. She called me at 8:30 PM.)

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