1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 17 1983" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 17, 1983 12/27 (44%) denture pretty shoulders subdued Sharon
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 17, 1983 6:55 PM Thursday

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(No session was held yesterday. We were busy. Paul O’Neill came after we’d finished lunch in 330, and took impressions of Jane’s lower gums for relining her denture—a soft denture, he explained, and Jane wouldn’t get it back before Friday. But we were glad we’d done something about a long-standing problem. Jane did well, and ate better than I thought she could.

(In hydro this morning, Wednesday, the therapist looked Jane over as she had last week, examining her ulcers, and once again told Jane that she was coming along very well. Good news.

(The staff had a party this noon for Susie, an aide who goes into surgery Friday for a kneecap problem, and I found plenty of food waiting for me in 330. When lunch came Jane couldn’t eat some of the food on the tray, but, surprisingly, did well with the pizza the kids had saved for me. I brought some of the leftovers home for supper.

(3:00. Jane began reading again the session for the day before yesterday, and did pretty well to start. She did very well without the lower teeth, and picked up speed as she went along. Her reading is now consistently much better than it used to be.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(3:36. Jane had a cigarette in order to stay awake: “I keep dozing off and having these itty-bitty scenarios,” she said.

(After Sharon Poley had taken her temperature, Jane began some mild leg, head and shoulder movements at 3:45.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(4:00. More similar mild exercises, including getting the “satin” feeling in her right shoulder. “I’ve got that thing again where when I stop doing the exercises my eyes work better,” she said. “I can see the colors better.” Another good sign. Rest. After getting her eye drops Jane did some more subdued exercises while I made notes and worked on mail.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:40. After resting in between some pretty good motions, Jane then began her best efforts of the day, with her head and shoulders going side-to-side. Even her arms remained pretty passive, folded across her belly. “Jesus,” Jane said as she rested, “the room got a lot brighter that time.” Evidently numerous exercises could promote relaxation around the eyes, helping her vision.

(4:50. I turned Jane on her left side, and the move went well; she’s been doing the turning a good deal better. I took my nap after massaging her with Oil of Olay. When I got up at 5:30 the tray wasn’t there, so we had to ask Sharon for help. When she brought it, it contained enough different kinds of food and soup so that Jane was able to eat her fill, though the omelet eluded her efforts to chew it.

(Jane was having a smoke at 6:45 when she asked me if I wanted to have a short session before I left for the evening. I said okay. I should note here, first, a question I’d asked her yesterday, concerning a line of Seth’s that I’d typed up yesterday in Session 889 for Dreams. Seth had delivered this intriguing line on December 17, 1979. I’d made a note of it, and asked that Seth comment if we had a session yesterday: “Units of consciousness also form other kinds of matter that you do not perceive.”

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(7:02 PM. “I’m glad I had that,” Jane said. “I knew I felt him around. He did go into your thing about matter, didn’t he?” She added that the poem Seth had referred to is the one I used to conclude the introductory essays for Dreams. I saw the connection as soon as she mentioned it. And I’ve pinned a copy of that poem to the wall of 330, opposite the foot of Jane’s bed. It’s an excellent poem.

(After reading the poem with Jane, I said good night and left her at 7:12.)

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