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TPS7 Deleted Session November 14, 1983 11/23 (48%) payments Nona car resolved Sethian
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 14, 1983 4:39 PM Monday

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(Some more good points today: Ken Wrigley visited Jane this morning, examined the ulcer on her right knee, and said it was coming along well enough so that the debriding ointment, Trevose, isn’t needed any longer. [Check the spelling of that name.] It’s okay now to use Silvadene on the dressings for the knee.

(Then when Jan was helping Jane with her dental chores this morning, she noticed that Jane’s hands were working better—Jane even automatically reached out to hold a cup to her lips that ordinarily the staff people had to do before.

(Jane ate well, although her teeth are bothering her. While she was eating we had a visitor, Nona, from Toronto. I talked to her in the hall. She left Jane a single red rose, and wrote a nice note. She’s an actress, and wants to tell people about Sethian concepts through her work.

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(3:38. Jane started reading yesterday’s session, was interrupted by LuAnn checking her blood pressure early. The time was going fast. I worked with mail while Jane tried to read the session, but she had trouble doing so, and was very slow at it.

(4:00. I described to Jane my dream of last night, and asked that Seth comment next time. One can stand next to the elevator bank and look out at the parking lot for the emergency room at the back of the hospital. I often do this on my way out, for I can see my car out there where I usually park. In my dream I looked out and down at the car, and saw three pieces of paper lying on the asphalt next to the left front wheel of the car. I knew at once that these papers represented three payments of money from the Major Medical division of Blue Cross. In the dream this knowledge at once brought me some peace of mind, and I fell into a deep sleep. It was about 2:00 AM, and I’d spent a restless night, waking up often, worrying about when and if we’d ever get the insurance payment business straightened out.

(Indeed, I’ve been worrying a lot lately—at times—about whether we’d even be considered by Blue Cross for the major medical payments—so I’ve also been worrying about what we’d do if this worst scenario came to pass. I haven’t told Jane much about my fears. The dream, I knew, resolved my concerns. My fears have been aggravated by the delay in getting our medical records to the insurance company, the length of time it seems to take to get anything resolved—the whole bit. As soon as I had the dream, I told Jane, I took it for granted that things would be okay.

(4:30. Jane began moving her left foot and head and shoulders, not too strongly. She rotated her foot. “I didn’t know it was that late,” she said amid some grunts and groans.

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(4:35. “Now I’ve got that thing with color again,” Jane said. meaning that she can see colors better, as well as general details. She had some ginger ale. Both of us rested. This didn’t seem to be one of our better days. But then she asked me to get my paper and pen ready.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(4:44 PM. “Gee, I didn’t know what to do,” Jane said. “I started to move while he was speaking at the same time....”

(I was particularly glad to get Seth’s confirmation of the meaning of my dream. I was most concerned that we be able to maintain the financial status quo while Jane was showing so many improvements, along with the promise of doing even better. All we want to do now is to get out of the hospital.

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(Jane had trouble eating supper, but did get something down. I went shopping at Acme, and didn’t finish my own supper until 9:45 PM. As I got home from the store the phone rang. It was Paul O’Neill. He said he’ll be at the hospital to see Jane at about 6:00 PM tomorrow—Tuesday, to take impressions for her teeth. Failing that, he’ll be there early Wednesday afternoon. Jane will be happy to hear that.

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