1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session novemb 13 1983" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 13, 1983 12/24 (50%) Magnum Lorrie shoulder artwork p.i
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 13, 1983 3:42 PM Sunday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The day was a rather quiet one for us comparatively. Jane looked scrubbed and clean when I got to 330; her hair was braided, her bed changed, the room shone. She hadn’t gone to hydro this morning, so Georgia had given her a bath in bed, and cleaned everything up.

(Because her teeth were bothering her so, Jane couldn’t eat what we’d ordered for lunch—turkey tetrazzini—so she substituted dry cereal. I was upset because I didn’t want her to slack off on eating, and perhaps start losing weight when she was doing so well. And we don’t even know yet when Paul O’Neill will be in to take care of having her lower teeth relined. But she ate a good lunch nevertheless.

(Then Jane told me that Jan was in this morning, and told her that the ulcers were looking very good—meaning that there has been considerable improvement in them since Jane saw them last. Another good sign, I said.

(I’d received a letter from Tam yesterday, but Jane had trouble reading it after lunch. She had no session from yesterday to read, so went back to the one from day before yesterday—and oddly enough, did pretty well reading that one. She also had a few bladder spasms. I worked on mail. I also described to her another dream I’d had in which I did commercial artwork. This time I’d been hired to draw a comic strip featuring Tom Selleck, of the TV show Magnum, P.I. I saw the Sunday page of the strip quite clearly in the dream, several times. And each time the balloons in the first of the page’s panels were unintelligible to me, for some reason. I’d wanted Seth to comment on my first art dream, the one involving greeting cards, but he hasn’t done so yet. Jane also had a dream involving the death of Sue Watkins that I wanted a word on.

(While she waited to see what she’d do next, Jane told me to get my paper and pen ready for a session.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(3:43. Lorrie knocked, then came in to take Jane’s vitals for the day. Blood pressure okay, temperature 97, etc. Jane has become so adept at snapping out of even a Seth trance that no one on the staff ever notices anything. She resumed as soon as Lorrie left at 3:46.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(3:54 PM. I told Jane the session was very good, that Seth had done an excellent little job of interpreting our dreams. Jane rested and had some ginger ale while she waited to see what would happen next.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane added that the colors in the room were brighter than they used to be to her, and that she can also see better—a tie-in with her improved reading ability, of course.

(4:23. More head and shoulders, left foot, eyes closed, grunts and groans. Within the next few minutes Jane executed more of the same motions, and a general overall movement of her body. When I came back from going to the john she said she even kept up her motions “in miniature” while I was gone.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(4:40. Left arm rotating, head and shoulder side to side again, then the right arm rotating. Toes of both feet moving to some extent, although today the right leg has been pretty quiescent. “I always get hot when I do all of that,” Jane said. I opened the curtains—it was now approaching dusk—and turned on the blower. The window was already opened as wide as it would go.

(4:45. Jane didn’t particularly want to be turned on her side, but the time was approaching. After I had her situated in a move that went quite easily, I took a nap after massaging her with Oil of Olay. She ate a good supper—veal parmigiana—and I left at 7:15, after checking the TV schedule for the night, and reading the prayer with her. Margaret Bumbalo had called earlier in the afternoon and invited me over for supper.

(And tonight, Jane called, assisted by Cathy, as I was typing this material at 9:53 PM.)

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