1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session may 27 1982" AND stemmed:medicin)

TPS7 Deleted Session May 27, 1982 1/34 (3%) vasculitis waterbed Dr Kardon trimmer
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session May 27, 1982 9:18 AM Thursday

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

(9:44.) That summer also seemed to be a time of crisis, as Rob pressed me, it certainly seemed to me, to seek medical attention. I’d gained a reprieve, but the reprieve didn’t gain positive results. As I read the notes I began to see some sense in the hospital situation. I must have gotten to the point where I thought, “Okay, if you’re afraid to trust yourself completely, and your own life, let’s take a taste of what it’s like to have no other place to turn but the world of conventional medicine and beliefs.” And my God, talk about fatal flaws! I’m not denying that such a framework has its good points, but the overall picture is really far worse than I’d imagined.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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