1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session june 5 1982" AND stemmed:bodi)
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There is nothing “wrong” with his finger—that is, it is not endangered. His bodily feelings, and his intuitive ones, were quite correct: nervous passageways were trying to reopen. Various kinds of kinks or knots were being straightened out, while at the same time the body’s entire circulation system must be taken into account.
(Long pause.) He was reactivating old beliefs with their physical representation in the body. This was an overall situation from head to toe. (Long pause.) It was an excellent decision to trust the body’s activities, to take the opportunity to use the episode as a case in point, a change of heart.
There was some (underlined) connection with Hal’s medicine. Circuits in the body.... (Long pause, leaning to the right, eyes closed.) I purposely wait for such lapses as these to come and go—and again, they do represent the state of the thyroid. Your own help with the massage was excellent, and also very effective.
(8:35.) In such cases Ruburt of course looks for even more assurances, and feels somewhat isolated under those conditions. (Long pause.) Massage and warm water is of benefit—but of greatest benefit of course is the trust in the body’s processes, for then many healing procedures can continue, while fear of course slows down their effects. But you have both done well with the episode.
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