1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session june 1 1982" AND stemmed:normal)
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(The irony of the whole affair is that during the visit I thought he’d helped Jane by advocating doing nothing about the finger at the time—which was what we wanted also. While we were there Dr. K. called him and gave him the results of the blood tests begun in the hospital the week before: One was normal, one said vasculitis could be present, the third one didn’t work—so after all of that the results were very meager and frustrating. We haven’t seen Dr. K. yet, or heard from her, although presumably Dr. S. has given her his opinion, whatever that may be.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(While we were there Dr. S. repeated several times that he wasn’t a vascular surgeon himself. He called a colleague of his who was in Ithaca, and described Jane’s finger condition to him, but if memory serves he received ambiguous information again. Again, I thought the visit at least preserved the status quo for us, since I could see that more and more Jane was turning against the idea of preventative drug treatment for vasculitis, say, or anything else. She was convinced the finger would mend itself, and it appeared to be doing so in its own way. There are more normally-colored patches on it now intermingled with darker spots.
[... 28 paragraphs ...]