1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session decemb 6 1983" AND stemmed:jane)

TPS7 Deleted Session December 6, 1983 13/31 (42%) Joe Christina Bumbalo Susie LuAnn
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 6, 1983 3:52 PM Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane held no session yesterday, December 5, but I’d like to note a couple of items. Jane had to have her catheter changed three times while I was there yesterday. Obviously, it didn’t work right the first two times—just before lunch at about 1:50, then after lunch at about 2:30. Jane ate well in between all the action. though. The last effort was made at 4:35, and succeeded without much effort, by LuAnn and Lorrie.

(Jane tried to read the session from the day before, but didn’t do well. She was having spasms also, but managed to finish the session finally. As often happens, she did better reading as she went along.

(The main thing I want to note is that after the catheter had been changed for the last time, Jane very nearly turned over on her left side by herself. This is very important. She thinks LuAnn may have given her an initial shove to get her going. At the same time, Jane doesn’t know how she did it—the action evidently was the way it should be, largely automatic. I heard her exclaim over the feat at the time, without paying a lot of attention, since I’d shoved my chair back into a corner to get out of the way while the staff worked on Jane; I was doing mail. But this is quite an advancement for my wife.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(I described the dream to Jane before she had lunch, and asked that Seth comment if she had a session. For some reason I couldn’t pin down an interpretation. I told Jane the dream contained no sexual acts at all. I also thought it might involve John, who is around 40 and unmarried.

(The day was warmer—40 degrees—but very damp, and ended up raining heavily by the time I left for home. Room 330, however, was cold all afternoon, even after the heating man tinkered with the thermostat. For most of the afternoon Jane consented to having the cloth from Switzerland thrown over her.

(Jane didn’t go to hydro this morning, since the tank broke down. I did meet Steve, the attendant who takes care of her in hydro. I’d seen him in the corridors often, and he’d seen me—but netiher of us had connected the other with Jane.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(3:14. I apply the Rescue Remedy Cream to the knuckles of Jane’s right hand. She said both her arms are working better, and that the web of skin between the thumb and the fingers, and between each finger, on her left hand, has softened considerably. “They used to feel like leather,” she said.

(3:20. Jane tried to reread the session for 12/4, but couldn’t do much with it. Her left eye was working poorly, cloudy. Her right eye is fine, and sees colors well, she said, but for some reason the two eyes together couldn’t read well. She managed to creep along, and did a bit better as she went along.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(3:38. I worked with the mail while Jane had a smoke. “Well, here, Bob, you might as well take it,” she said a bit later. “I’ll try to have a session....”)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(3:59. A new nurse, a student, came in to take Jane’s blood pressure in mid-sentence. She didn’t notice anything. Jane resumed right away as soon as the lady left the room. 4:01.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(4:02 PM. I read the session back to Jane. I told her that Seth had done an excellent job of analyzing the dream. I reminded her of the Oriental woman and daughter in the dream, since Seth hadn’t mentioned them. Jane thought I’d forgotten to tell her about those elements, although I thought I had. Anyhow, on her own she said that the Oriental women further represented to Joe Bumbalo his ideas that son John’s abilities weren’t American—that, indeed, they were unAmerican, foreign to male sexuality, feminine. She made an excellent point.

(This attitude also fit in with that which Joe had expressed to me during last fall’s World Series in baseball: Looking at the ballplayers with their long hair, mustaches and beards, Joe had asked me where the youth of America was. “You’re looking at it,” I told him. Joe had said it wasn’t right for young men to let themselves go that way. I don’t think he was aware of the humor of the whole situation. I’d described it to Jane at the time.

(For the rest of the afternoon, up until I left at 7:10, we followed our regular routine of turn, massage with Oil of Olay, nap, supper, TV and prayer. Jane did well. I told her that generally her whole bearing and the look of her body has improved a great deal. It’s obvious now that she’s putting on weight, and moving better. And better days are coming, that’s for sure.)

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