1 result for (book:tps7 AND heading:"delet session decemb 30 1983" AND stemmed:leav)
[... 26 paragraphs ...]
(4:35 PM. I didn’t ask Seth to comment on the fund idea. It was soon time to turn Jane and massage her with Oil of Olay. She ate well after I’d had a nap. Our early evening hour passed as usual until I was getting ready to put on my jacket to leave.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
(7:12 PM. I was glad I’d stayed. Jane had a cigarette while I packed my stuff to leave. Unexpectedly, I’d stumbled across several questions. Above all, I didn’t want the fund idea, say, to lead to complications with the insurance deal, I told Jane, or perhaps to lead to a failure of a settlement there. That is, I didn’t want to desert the insurance angle; I felt we were owed something there. I knew full well that new events brought in new probabilities. This morning while working on the letter to Maude Cardwell, I guess I’d blithely took it for granted that the fund idea might supplement any insurance benefits. But then after supper, as I talked with Seth, I found myself wondering whether the fund thing would cause enough of a change in our probabilities to perhaps negate the insurance settlement, whatever it might be. I do have faith that we’ll be treated fairly. I want to note that I have faith that all will work out, that I’m not running from one hope to another while deserting previous ones.)