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TPS7 Deleted Session December 30, 1983 14/46 (30%) fund insurance Cardwell Del Maude
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 30, 1983 4:09 PM Friday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(This morning, in between calls from my brother Loren and his wife, and Mrs. Austin’s son about delivering the laundry, I worked on the first draft of a letter to Maude Cardwell at Reality Change in Austin, Texas. I outlined the thoughts Jane and I had about the fund she suggested for our medical expenses.

(I brought the letter to 330 to show Jane. She’d gone to hydro this morning. While there, Lottie noticed that Jane has put on weight in her breasts and other portions of her anatomy. Then the supervisor of therapy there, Wendy, got to see Jane’s buttocks for the first time in a long while. She was amazed, Jane said, at the way those once-gaping wounds are filling themselves in.

(Last night, Jane said, she’d also surprised Lorrie by holding her own cup as she drank some ginger ale.

(As she ate a good lunch I told Jane about my very vivid dream of last night—in which Jane, myself and her deceased father, Del, had driven to Bemidji, Minnesota, in the summertime. In wintertime that town is one of the coldest spots in the country. I described how Del had driven us around the town and country there in his old pickup truck, and how for a time he and I had become separated from Jane. I’d also spent time wandering around alone up there, but Jane and I were eventually reunited safe and sound.

(I thought the dream was another very positive one, and meant that Jane and I have left behind the old dead beliefs represented by Del. The fact that we were there in the summertime was also a good sign.

(Jane also had a very positive dream last night. In it she’d been trying on new clothes—a belt around her waist, blouses, etc. “Really enjoying it,” she said.

(2:45. I read the rough draft of the letter to Maude Cardwell to Jane, who really liked it. She suggested an insert about the Rembrandt book, which I added. I hope to type it tomorrow, before Loren and Betts arrive at about 11:00 AM. We finished our discussion about the fund idea at 3:15. Jane didn’t think I’d overdone it in my letter, although I still wondered.

(3:20. Jane began reading yesterday’s session. She did much better than she has been doing lately, but still not too well. She finished at 3:42. “My eyes felt strained.” They weren’t as red today, however.

(3:48. Cathy took Jane’s temperature—98.2, and pulse. A few minutes later Sharon took her blood pressure. Then Jane had some ginger ale; she held the cup herself. While having a cigarette she said she wanted to have a session. I’d given her her eye drops.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(4:21. Lorrie knocked, then came in to give Jane eyedrops. She left as soon as we told her I’d already done so. I could tell that she left the door to 330 partly open when she left.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(4:35 PM. I didn’t ask Seth to comment on the fund idea. It was soon time to turn Jane and massage her with Oil of Olay. She ate well after I’d had a nap. Our early evening hour passed as usual until I was getting ready to put on my jacket to leave.

(“Why do you think the fund idea came along at this time?” I asked Jane.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane agreed. “Seth could say something about it now, but you’d better get going or you’ll never get to eat supper.”

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(7:12 PM. I was glad I’d stayed. Jane had a cigarette while I packed my stuff to leave. Unexpectedly, I’d stumbled across several questions. Above all, I didn’t want the fund idea, say, to lead to complications with the insurance deal, I told Jane, or perhaps to lead to a failure of a settlement there. That is, I didn’t want to desert the insurance angle; I felt we were owed something there. I knew full well that new events brought in new probabilities. This morning while working on the letter to Maude Cardwell, I guess I’d blithely took it for granted that the fund idea might supplement any insurance benefits. But then after supper, as I talked with Seth, I found myself wondering whether the fund thing would cause enough of a change in our probabilities to perhaps negate the insurance settlement, whatever it might be. I do have faith that we’ll be treated fairly. I want to note that I have faith that all will work out, that I’m not running from one hope to another while deserting previous ones.)

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