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TPS7 Deleted Session December 28, 1983 12/31 (39%) cake Iran Afghanistan exciting elbow
– The Personal Sessions: Book 7 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 28, 1983 4:35 PM Wednesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Surprise! As Jane and I were getting ready to eat lunch several staff people, including Cathy, Jan, Mary the head nurse, Dawn, Sue, brought in a large flat-pan cake decorated for the 30th anniversary of Jane and me. They’d ordered it made downstairs in dietary. We were really surprised. On top of all that, the cake itself was very good. Several of the girls took pieces with them as they went back to work, and Jane and I had some after lunch. There’s enough cake for all three shifts. I brought home a couple of smallish pieces.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane ate well, and for dessert had some cake and ice cream. At her suggestion, she tried eating same from a paper plate on her belly. She managed to eat some of it with a spoon, but had trouble also. Nevertheless, as she said, it was something she wouldn’t have even thought of a couple of weeks ago—another great sign, I told her.

(3:03. Jane started reading yesterday’s long session, but couldn’t handle it too well. I tried doing some mail, but stopped to help her, then at 3:l6 started reading the session to her. Done at 3:27.

(3:47. Sharon took Jane’s temperature—98.1—pulse and blood pressure, and brought her some fresh ginger ale.

(3:49. Jane discovered that her right arm could flex more at both the shoulder and the elbow—especially the elbow—which is an excellent sign. In fact, she could swing the right hand down so that it touched her thigh, then moved outside of it. This is better than she did the other day, even. Then Jane learned that her right arm was behaving in a similar, if more limited, fashion. Another step, I told her. She followed these motions with some gentle head and shoulder movements. Both feet moved some. The big toe on her right foot still hurts.

(4:15. “More work is being done on that right elbow,” Jane said, and again began moving her right hand down past her thigh on the outside, even farther than she’d done at 3:49. Not only that, I told her, but the motions looked easier for her. The main constriction seemed to be in the shoulder area. Then Jane’s left arm did better too. Jane rotated her hands, as she used to do, though not to any great degree. Her left foot moved in rhythm.

(4:20. I tried to do mail, but was too sleepy. Jane kept making shoulder motions. She said that now that everyone was through coming in, she’d like to have a short session.)

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(After the session Jane asked me what country ancient Persia was now. At first, although I was certain I knew the answer, I said Afghanistan. Then I changed my answer to Iran, which is the correct one. She said she felt that Seth may have alluded to our improving our relations as a nation with Iran, though this may be hard to believe at present. [Actually, according to the dictionary, the present country of Afghanistan was part of the ancient Persian Empire.]

(“Sometimes,” Jane said, “I get or feel excited about what he’s saying—Seth—although you have nothing to show for it after the session. I almost got the feeling that in the next year or so we could see things happen that would turn our whole world around, and in a way that ordinarily would be thought impossible.”

(She referred to Iran. I said I’d draw her a map of the region after supper, but never did. I explained the position that Iran is in geographically now, however, what with Russia occupying Afghanistan on Iran’s eastern border. Iran hates the Communists, but us also. “Maybe they hate us even more,” Jane laughed.)

(Anyhow, she—or Seth—seldom comes through with that type material. It will be interesting to see what develops. I told Jane I’d just written a note for Dreams last week, about the general Iranian situation. I didn’t think that was why Seth had mentioned anything about the Middle East today, though; I hadn’t mentioned the note to Jane, either.

(Jane ate well after her massage. The rain had stopped by the time I left at 7:15; the drive home was uneventful, although I took it easy. Sleep well, Sweetheart.)

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