1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session may 7 1981" AND stemmed:our)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Jane did decide to have a session tonight, though, since we’d missed last night’s, and we had company—Rhoads and Gallaghers—scheduled for Friday night. We waited a long time for the session to begin. I was tired and discouraged. Behind me in the fireplace our raccoon friends were mildly active. Otherwise the evening was quite cool and very quiet.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Pause.) Your mail presents you with glimpses of the people who read our books, from all walks of life, in all circumstances. You cannot follow their lives through from beginning to ending as you can in a book. You cannot write their “books” of life for them. You can comment very briefly on the small glimpses you have been given of another’s reality. The true interchange comes as those people themselves read our books, of course, and where our ideas intersect with their lives.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(With emphasis at 9:04:)I have never proclaimed myself to be a healer—nor for that matter a specialist. Our work should end up to some extent illuminating many fields of knowledge and interest, because it is not directed to one or another subject matter, and certainly not restricted to information that must be immediately utilitarian. The natural flow of the sessions has never run in that direction, nor has Ruburt’s own natural inclinations.
(Pause.) The feeling of responsibility to help those in desperate need is but one facet, however, for he has felt a responsibility (underlined) to get our material to the people as soon as possible—a responsibility to appear on television or otherwise, to promote our ideas, or to present them to the world—a responsibility that I have not encouraged.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]