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TPS6 Deleted Session May 10, 1982 1/22 (5%) Dr thyroid dozing Cummins gland
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session May 10, 1982 8:23 PM Monday

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

(“It would be a joke if [Dr.] Cummins turned out to be right after all,” I said now. For of all the doctors she’d encountered while in the hospital, Jane had liked Dr. C the best, feeling intuitively drawn to him and his optimistic statements that once her thyroid began functioning again she’d find herself getting around much much better than she thought possible. Cummins’s opinion had been largely negated by Dr. K., especially after Dr. K’s friend from Ithaca, the rheumatologist Dr. Sobel had examined Jane at Dr. K’s request early in Jane’s hospital stay. He’d evidently given Dr. K a very negative report on Jane. When we’d told Dr. K. what Dr C. had said, Dr K. had remarked that Dr C. “hadn’t seen as many cases of arthritis as Dr. S. had” —meaning of course that Dr C. wasn’t that much of an expert, and that his opinion could be discounted....)

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