1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session may 10 1982" AND stemmed:bodi)
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(Jane still dozed, but perhaps the dozing was qualified now, for how could it be related to her relaxing enough to go into trance? She sat dozing with her body tipping to her left in the chair as we sat at the card table in the living room.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Now: Ruburt’s body is experimenting with its own metabolism. The gland is (underlined) activating itself by itself—off and on, so to speak, giving a sputtering effect. Overall, the body is exploring the best rhythm of metabolism, and fitting itself in with the medication. In some fashions it uses more energies at times than at others, and slowly begins to demand more energy, so there will be periods of unevenness—but he is (underlined) being provided for. He is (underlined) safe, secure, and protected. Remembering a few small but potent suggestions will of course be of greatest benefit—particularly to offset any negative hospital suggestions, which do of course exist. On the other hand, in such cases remember that often a doctor’s or a nurse’s negative suggestions or fears, voiced, simply give voice to the individual’s own fears. And if he or she can understand this the individual can then counter such suggestions that seem to come from “outside,” I will indeed, and before too long, begin again some therapeutic material, winding this in with other pertinent data. The two of you can best help each other above all (long pause at 8:29) by communicating as honestly and clearly as possible, for expressions of your love will then come to the surface where on both of your parts that certain emotional expression often goes hungry.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(8:44 PM. Jane felt much better. She’d marched along pretty well in the session, with her voice being much stronger than in previous ones. She didn’t remember much of what Seth had said—yet she also knew she’d told me various parts of the material through the day. It also fit in with some of my own recent ideas—that eventually the reviving thyroid gland would lead to the dispensation of medication while also rejuvenating the physical body in many ways—including the “arthritis.”
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