1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session march 25 1981" AND stemmed:provid)
[... 18 paragraphs ...]
Your country, for all of its obvious errors, still is one in which such issues can best be worked out both philosophically and practically. Now in both of your lives, you have managed to express creative abilities to advantage, to draw upon these not only at isolated periods of your lives, or in partial form, but in such a fashion that they have provided you with continuing frameworks of self-discovery and creativity—so when you are counting accomplishments, remember that (in reference to question 2.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
It has provided you with an extra framework through which to view reality. Now yours is, say, the poetry of painting. Now in the philosophical area we are discussing, you are also dealing with imaginative leaps, with casts of mind and spirit that are as rare as true artistic ability is. In that area you are asked to merge philosophical insights with the practical, everyday nitty-gritty of life. You are asked to bring those delicate understandings to practical flowering—a considerable task, and doubly so when the philosophical issues involved go so against the established grain of historically accepted knowledge.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]