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TPS6 Deleted Session March 25, 1981 8/33 (24%) philosophical issues defenses newscasts dangerous
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session March 25, 1981 9:19 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had reread my list of questions for Seth, based on this last group of sessions, and referred to often. After supper we’d talked about questions 2 and 13, the same ones we’d asked that Seth discuss in another recent private session; he hadn’t done so yet, though. And, of course, his material throughout these sessions can’t but help touch upon various facets pertaining to the questions. So upon that premise, the questions are being discussed all the time.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

This applies to everyone, of course. All of you have a hand in the formation of world events. Those connections are worked out at all levels of reality, in the waking state through your communication devices and culture, and through the far more complicated arena of the culture of dreams. Your dreams are your own, yet they interact with others, and the dreams of others are background issues in your own dream encounters.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt’s difficulties are based upon certain philosophical dilemmas, that are his own personally—dilemmas, however, that also belong to your time, and are therefore largely responsible for the difficulties in your historical period. To some extent or another, again, the entire affair is an endeavor in which all persons have their parts to play. The issues involved affect, for example, Ruburt’s personal mobility. They also are connected with the much larger social issues, such as the uses to which your nuclear technology will be put.

You have been taught for centuries in one way or another that repression, generally speaking, now, was all in all a natural, good, social and moral requirement, that expression was dangerous and must be harnessed and channeled because it was believed so thoroughly that man’s natural capacities led him toward destructive rather than positive behavior.

Energy was feared, expression suspicious unless it was directed and tempered in conventional fashions. Through all of man’s religions and philosophies that line of thought has been most prominent; those who had the most energy suffered from it the most, of course. If you did not believe that energy was more naturally dangerous than beneficial, you would not have any difficulties at all concerning issues like nuclear bombs.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt has tried, as I said before, to use his abilities while being very cautious. He has tried expressing those abilities while feeling he needed all kinds of safeguards, both because he partially shared the belief that energy was dangerous, and because he also feared that other people would react to him in that fashion.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Your country, for all of its obvious errors, still is one in which such issues can best be worked out both philosophically and practically. Now in both of your lives, you have managed to express creative abilities to advantage, to draw upon these not only at isolated periods of your lives, or in partial form, but in such a fashion that they have provided you with continuing frameworks of self-discovery and creativity—so when you are counting accomplishments, remember that (in reference to question 2.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Exactly what were the mechanisms of such defense systems, as individuals used them? Nations use them in the same way. All of this can be quite difficult to explain. It would be highly unusual for Ruburt to have been untouched by the belief systems of his times—particularly if he had set out to change them. (Pause.) You are not simply trying to look at the world differently, for example, or to change a hypothetical reality, but to creatively bring about some version of a creative and artistic vision that results not simply in greater poems or paintings, but in greater renditions of reality (all very intently.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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