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TPS6 Deleted Session June 3, 1981 7/30 (23%) uncertainty certainty Jim uncertain tension
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session June 3, 1981 8:53 PM Wednesday

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(I’ve finished typing the sessions for Monday and Tuesday evenings, and Jane has read and reread them. So have I. She was much affected by my note on page 156 of last night’s session, just as I was while writing it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jim Adams visited today with some sample black frames for her reading glasses, and repeated to Jane what I’d quoted him as saying his friend Dr. Werner had said about Jim’s description of Jane’s condition. Interesting, for I think Jim phrased some of his quotes somewhat differently to Jane than he had to me earlier this week —although I think the gist of the remarks is pretty much the same. But Jane and I have trained ourselves to try to recall accurately what others say, and we are aware of how information can be distorted as it’s passed on. We told Jim we haven’t made any firm decision about seeking medical help, but will when the glasses situation is taken care of. In the meantime, Jane is getting used to the idea, should we do anything about it.

(Frank Longwell also visited today—before Jim did, as a matter of fact —and helped Jane experiment with certain exercises for her legs in the bathroom. He explained the procedure if Jane goes to the hospital in Sayre. Jim, on the other hand, is in favor of Jane seeking local treatment. This would be easiest, of course, providing the treatment is equal. Frank thinks the clinic in Sayre could offer more services at once. He said Jane doesn’t have rheumatoid arthritis or thyroid trouble. Jim said he couldn’t comment on Jane’s situation from a medical standpoint, except to say her eyes per se are okay.

(Jane also tried walking with the table with Frank’s help, as she had with me the day before, but once again couldn’t quite get up on her feet. She did better, though. She also tried the library today, as Seth had suggested, but with “nil” results, but didn’t try the energy-healing exercise yet. She plans to keep at both. She did have an unclear image while trying for the library, and discovered it was a bit scary. Yet while trying the library she felt “relaxed and panicky at the same time.”

(Incidentally, Jane today received her first letter—from a lady who has written her before—about Mass Events. So the book is getting around. The person was connected with Robert Monroe’s institute in Charlottesville, Va. [Incidentally again, it is Thursday afternoon as I type, and in an hour one of the Ryall boys from the Handi Book Center in Elmira will be at the house to have Jane autograph 20 or so copies of Mass Events; the store received them today, and has a number of orders for copies.

(I’m still carrying Jane in the bathroom, and making out with a minimum of discomfort. “Light as a feather....”)

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

(9:55 PM. “I thought there was something involving you toward the end that I didn’t get,” Jane said. When I answered that the material seemed clear enough, she said that it concerned something that didn’t come out in the session. She was also genuinely surprised at the time, it being much later than she thought it was: “I can’t get over it.”)

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