1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session june 29 1981" AND stemmed:person)
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(For the last two days Jane hasn’t worked on her paper from the Sinful Self —the first break she’s taken from it since she began to receive it 13 days ago, on June 17. She’d read me Friday’s work that same evening, and I had some questions about it, although it’s very difficult to formulate questions while listening to something the first time, and without having a written version to refer to. Yet as I listened to her I felt that at times the Sinful Self seemed to almost be trying to put the blame for her symptoms off on other portions of the personality—or let’s say that that was one of the feelings I had.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Again, it is important that you not accuse the Sinful Self (which I took to be a reference to our discussion last Friday). To do so is not advantageous. (Pause.) It deepens the Sinful Self’s sense of isolation. That portion of the personality operated with its own good intent, and for some number of years other portions of the personality went along. The Sinful Self did not have a free hand, for example, bringing about physical difficulties all by itself. And it is the entire system that will clear itself. The Sinful Self is not the “villain.” It is the personified holder of many of the beliefs that brought the physical condition into existence.
(Pause at 8:48.) Then a lack of communication developed, so that various portions of the personality “hardened” their own positions, sometimes holding quite different sets of beliefs. The communication of the Sinful Self’s document is almost one of its most important values. Its beliefs may be exaggerated, but at one time or another various other portions of the personality at least weakly entertained a portion of them. They are also held together by a sense of earnestness and duty (with a mock-severe frown)—quite misapplied, but still characteristics hardly foreign to the personality as a whole—so these are misunderstandings to be addressed and understood, and the main issue should be an understanding of those issues specifically mentioned, so that the issues are met in the open and aired on the part of the entire personality (all often with emphasis).
It is important that the creative self understands what has been going on also. In such a way the various portions of the personality can reinforce and help each other, and the Sinful Self can see that the creative elements are not blind to its worries, but will also use its abilities to help discover explanations and answers to the questions of the so-called Sinful Self.
(Pause.) As that happens, the Sinful Self will also be able to take greater benefit from our sessions. You can see the Sinful Self’s connection with creativity easily, as it communicated through its document, which is for example very well written, carrying its own flavor. You can also see where it is lacking: it has displayed little sense of playfulness, for example, or of expansion. It is overly serious, overly conscientious, and its thinking is largely in black-and-white terms. For all of that, it shares philosophic concerns that deeply interest the entire personality, so there is plenty of ground for a give-and-take.
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(9:10.) A concentration upon painting, or developments about the home, with as many diversions as possible will also help, again, so that the entire personality can activate the entire system for healing processes.
Such events will follow their own rhythms if you allow them to. Your own love-making and communications of love in different ways is of continuing importance. Right now I act more as a monitor. (Long pause.) Remember that all portions of the personality are conscious. Everything does not have to be translated into your terms of consciousness, however. Quite creative solutions of course happen at other levels, arising into your usual consciousness sometimes by very diverse routes.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]