1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session june 29 1981" AND stemmed:misunderstand)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(We had a discussion about my questions, and I expressed pretty definitely the emotional charge I’ve accumulated over the years about the whole affair. Jane said several times that she understood my feelings, but that at the same time I was misunderstanding what she’d written that day [Friday]. I could see that she was disappointed in my reactions to her day’s work, and she said as much.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(Pause at 8:48.) Then a lack of communication developed, so that various portions of the personality “hardened” their own positions, sometimes holding quite different sets of beliefs. The communication of the Sinful Self’s document is almost one of its most important values. Its beliefs may be exaggerated, but at one time or another various other portions of the personality at least weakly entertained a portion of them. They are also held together by a sense of earnestness and duty (with a mock-severe frown)—quite misapplied, but still characteristics hardly foreign to the personality as a whole—so these are misunderstandings to be addressed and understood, and the main issue should be an understanding of those issues specifically mentioned, so that the issues are met in the open and aired on the part of the entire personality (all often with emphasis).
[... 13 paragraphs ...]