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TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 12/42 (29%) crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session June 2, 1981 7:50 PM Tuesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane said she’d like a session as soon as we’d finished a late supper—by 7:20 PM—and expressed the hope that Seth would deal with her immediate situation—sort of an emergency treatment.

(After last night’s session I was so upset I couldn’t talk about it, nor did Jane ask me anything about the contents of the session. I was upset because I felt it was all true, and because I’d felt like interrupting constantly as Seth was giving his material. I wanted to protest, to agree, and to disagree most vehemently. I also couldn’t see how we were going to get through these difficult moments.

(Our difficulties made themselves known with a vengeance when I pushed Jane into the bathroom in her chair after 10:30 PM: because for the first time, she failed to be able to get up from her seat on the john, and back to her chair as I stood waiting. She tried twice, but her feet and legs just wouldn’t support her, much less navigate well enough for her to walk. She said several times that she was frightened. I couldn’t reach her to help from the other side of the chair, because of our bathroom’s architecture. The ultimate fear had manifested itself, then: Jane was no longer able to maneuver in the bathroom. What now?

(I stood waiting many minutes while Jane struggled to get up. I was speechless once again, hardly able to sort out the thoughts and feelings churning in my head. When Jane finally admitted she couldn’t make it, I went back out to the kitchen to do the dishes and close up the house for the night. The wait hadn’t helped; she still sat waiting on the toilet. I lost my patience and my temper as I stood beside her, threatening to leave her sitting there all night while I went to bed. My own fears left me seeing visions of a drastically changed relationship between us, and a different life-style, one probably considerably less private if she needed nursing care, say, “What are you trying to do to me?” I demanded, and so forth. “Please don’t holler at me now,” Jane said. “Do it later....”

(Eventually, and very reluctantly, since I considered it a sign of a major failure, I ended up carrying her physically from the john to her chair—rather awkwardly but not with as much trouble as I’d anticipated, yet also feeling a bit of a strain in my lower back. I am still aware of a muscular sensation there, although I slept well. Jane was much relieved that I could move her, and surprised, but I had my doubts about being able to do that on a longer-term basis: I dared not endanger my own physical condition lest I be unable to take care of her otherwise, regardless of how poorly or with what ill grace I might do that.

(So this morning, Tuesday, I also carried her to the toilet seat, and once more she was quite relieved. She’d also slept well. We spent most of the morning working with the pendulum, and this seemed to help, and brought us some fresh information. A few of the answers were surprising. We have started a notebook for the pendulum material. I should add that Monday night’s session had actually begun to give us glimmers of hope, and that this buoyed-up feeling had begun to manifest itself this morning, whereas yesterday we’d felt pretty hopeless about the situation. This morning Jane also mentioned that she had the idea of trying to walk with the typing table —something she hasn’t done since last November 16, 1980, by the way—so I got it out. She tried several times to get to her feet; she almost made it, but couldn’t quite. She wants me to get the table for her each day now until she is able to walk with it in the old way. An excellent idea.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(I nodded good evening to Seth. Jane leaned back on the couch.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(I should take a moment here to note that Seth has said this before, and that Jane has referred to it also. I for one haven’t had any such feelings, since from the very beginning of our relationship I’ve always felt certain that in Jane I’d found the ideal mate—an achievement I’ve considered most fortunate, one I’d hardly dared dream I’d manage to do. Looking back, our meeting and getting together seemed the most natural and inevitable things in the world; how could I improve upon that? I’ve always been intensely proud of Jane’s achievements and abilities, and glad to be able to participate in them to whatever degree. The thing that has left me distraught, nearly broken-hearted, is to see her in such a progressively poor physical situation as the years have passed. Especially devastating is this when the material explains very clearly that things don’t have to be that way. No wonder I say to her that we’ve paid too high a price for our achievements. I want to see her able to manipulate like other people, of course, and to have her achievements also; that things haven’t worked out that way so far can’t but help have a profound effect upon my feelings, hers, and our relationship, which I’ve always taken absolutely as being as solid and enduring as the elements.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt has been afraid of your reactions as Events and God of Jane meet the public world. I do not want to hurt either of your feelings (pause), but in your cases the creation of a crisis period is not beneficial. This does not mean there cannot be discussion, or decisions made about seeking help from others, or whatever, but that the idea of a crisis situation aggravates the very natural feelings (long pause) that are present and unfortunately exaggerated in the entire situation.

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

(9:06 PM. Jane had done well. The family of raccoons in the fireplace behind me had been quite active and sometimes noisy during the session. I told Jane the session was very good, and she sighed with relief. I said it gave me a surge of hope, and that I hoped it would affect her the same way when I read it to her this evening, which I now proceeded to do. She agreed when she’d heard it, though it was more difficult to listen to the session than to read it at leisure.

(It’s the next day as I finish typing the session. The hope continues to manifest itself, and both of us feel much better. I carried Jane in the bathroom last night before bed, and this morning when she got up after 10 AM. Both times worked well. Although I feel a minimal sensation in the back, it has lessened considerably since Seth’s comments about its true origins. Now when I think about the back I remind myself that I can find Jane “as light as a feather.” I anticipate no more problems in that area.

(Frank Longwell visited, and also offered Jane a lot of encouragement as he explained the functions of different muscle groups to her. Seth’s material, and Frank’s, goes a long way toward easing her feelings of fright, for now we see that those feelings represented her—and my—misunderstanding of her own bodily functions as the body ceaselessly tries to right itself.)

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