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TPS6 Deleted Session June 15, 1981 10/40 (25%) super Prentice expected professional unrealistic
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session June 15, 1981 8:44 PM Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(We’ve begun getting letters mentioning Mass Eventsall laudatory—and these have helped, as Seth mentioned they would.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(After supper Debbie Janney visited without seeing Jane. Her cat, Kitty Cat, has been missing since 8 AM, and Debbie fears for its safety and/or life. She gave me a color photo of the cat to show Jane. The incident upset Jane, signifying as it did people’s urges to ask her all kinds of questions for all kinds of psychic help—taking it for granted that she was able and willing to offer that help. Jane said it made her feel “incompetent” that she couldn’t, or didn’t, pinpoint what had happened to the cat. She didn’t want to do such psychic detective work, she said, because it reminded her of her own difficulties—an obvious point we both mentioned. Yet there’s no controlling other people’s reactions to a given body of work, from which among other things such possibilities as finding lost animals—or people—could be deduced. Jane recalled her successes in helping to reassure the parents of two lost girls some years ago [in separate incidents] in the Midwest. I’d forgotten about these events, which contained some striking “hits” on her part. Neither girl was dead, by the way.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Before the session I mentioned the question I kept in mind for Seth, concerning what the Sinful Self may have learned since this last series of sessions was started. I said it was essential that we communicate to that personification [named by Seth for convenience’s sake only] that its performance was quite destructive to Jane, and that it must release its hold. I wanted to know the Sinful Self’s attitudes toward the fact that it had rendered Jane literally helpless as far as her survival was concerned; she couldn’t take care of herself physically without the aid of others, I said, so this obviously implied that the Sinful Self was creating its own demise also. I wanted to know what it “thought” about such a contradictory situation, whether it understood the implications, and so forth. No matter how it must reason or react, it had to be concerned about its own survival—but in what ways, and based upon what knowledge and/or reasons? All of these points could be subsumed under the one broad question that I wanted Seth to go into when he’d finished with the Prentice-Hall material.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Basically, Ruburt does not have those characteristics. Everyone has healing abilities (long pause), but Ruburt, basically speaking, is interested in the theoretical and philosophical concerns that underlie the condition of health. He would not on his own be a doctor or a nurse or whatever, so his psychic abilities are not naturally enthusiastically expanded in those directions in terms of a vocation, or the requirements of a profession (all very intently).

This does not mean that at times he may not help others generate healing abilities within themselves, since he is indeed involved in those other patterns of action that interweave with all of life’s activities. He should not expect himself to perform as a professional healer, or be disappointed with himself if he does not.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Long pause at 9:14.) Now how do you practically interpret such an intention? Where does such an exploration begin or end? Ruburt’s natural psychic abilities follow his other abilities, again, and characteristics. They cannot be patterned upon other people’s. (Long pause.) He has his own way of dealing with details—an instinctive manner. They all go into the creative mill, for example, where they are in their ways uniquely sorted, transformed into patterns, emerging into creative illuminations. He may on the other hand appear to normally ignore details.

I suggest that such a statement be drawn up, for it would certainly help clarify many situations, and show Ruburt that he was performing very well indeed. The nebulous nature of the “psychic” has served to help build up a picture of an unrealistic superself (long pause), mentioned earlier, that is supposed to perform a dazzling array of activities, solving everyone’s problems, displaying all of the psychic abilities at once, from healing to finding a lost kitten.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

All of this existed, of course, in a situation in which the aspects of Tam’s position and the Prentice situation were themselves changing and uncertain.

(Long pause at 9:38.) All of this should be considered along with the natural uncertainties that exist in creative ventures—his desire for inspiration and so forth. He needs to clarify the circle of his expectations, as earlier suggested this evening. All of these issues added to increased tension, so that he did not know what direction to move in (underlined), and felt his motion blocked.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The Sinful Self in the past has felt even more sinful, or example, in comparison to the unrealistic expectations set upon the self by the super-images. Ruburt expected to be the super healer, super clairvoyant, and so forth. Ruburt is (pause) a natural receiver of psychic information, of knowledge from another level of activity, a natural receiver of deep insights that are a part of your spiritual and biological heritage, and a natural translator of such material (all with emphasis). That is his primary, most proficient area of exploration and accomplishment.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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