1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session juli 8 1981" AND stemmed:natur)
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Now each individual is also given ways and means of a highly personal nature, characteristics or abilities that automatically begin to lead it out of such old belief systems, when those characteristics are allowed their freedom. They will lead the individual toward their own built-in feelings of support and safety.
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More and more people are exploring revelatory information. It is only natural that most of it will simply help channel their own self-transformations by appearing garbed in one way or another in standard religious terms, however exotic that garb (with humor).
There are archaeological ages given to man’s physical history, or the history of the earth, or to the coming or going of the physical events of nature. There are also reincarnational themes that have united people from various centuries. (Pause.) Even though many of the negative aspects of those themes may now be highly apparent—as with the Jews and the Christians, the Arabs or whatever—this is because actually those patterns are breaking up in your time. The original benefits are no longer as readily available as once they were. The itch is still there, but it is harder to scratch.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]