1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session juli 26 1981" AND stemmed:let)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(“I don’t know whether you’re going to get it from me or Seth,” Jane said at 3:05 PM. “Earlier I felt the stuff around from Seth, but also from me too,” she said. “But I don’t know. I’ll let you know....” Then at 3:10: “I guess you’re gonna get a session after all. I feel him around, but it won’t be too long.” I made her coffee, and she sipped at it as we waited. The afternoon was dark, wet, and quiet. I was all for anything that could help her.
[... 40 paragraphs ...]
(I added that I thought I was already doing, at least to some extent, what Seth advocated in the session—throwing away any sense of responsibility or financial reward in painting, at this time at least. I trusted that whatever might result from the painting would be beneficial in various ways, possibly including the financial if the need arose. I explained to Jane that I’d reached the point in the last year where I just couldn’t let anything interfere with the act of painting itself—and that I thought she needed an attitude like that in regard to her own work very badly. I could have said [in retrospect] that my attitude stemmed at least to a large degree from my watching her struggle with her own hang-ups. Not that I didn’t think I’d reach it on my own anyhow.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]