1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session decemb 9 1981" AND stemmed:doorway)

TPS6 Deleted Session December 9, 1981 2/23 (9%) annals approach magical harmonious land
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 9, 1981 8:49 PM Wednesday

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Some mountain climbers, when asked why they climb a certain peak, respond “because the mountain is there to be climbed,” so the natural approach, the magical approach, is to be used because it exists—and because it represents an open doorway into a world of reality that is always present, always at the base of all of your cultures and experience. Theoretically at least, the magical approach should be used because it represents the most harmonious method of life (underlined). It is a way of living that automatically enhances all of your abilities and accelerates your comprehensions.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

To even sense the existence of that kind of reality, however, you must already have “opened the doorway” to Framework 2, and begun to use the magical approach as your natural instinctive way of dealing with experience.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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