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TPS6 Deleted Session December 9, 1981 5/23 (22%) annals approach magical harmonious land
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 9, 1981 8:49 PM Wednesday

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Some mountain climbers, when asked why they climb a certain peak, respond “because the mountain is there to be climbed,” so the natural approach, the magical approach, is to be used because it exists—and because it represents an open doorway into a world of reality that is always present, always at the base of all of your cultures and experience. Theoretically at least, the magical approach should be used because it represents the most harmonious method of life (underlined). It is a way of living that automatically enhances all of your abilities and accelerates your comprehensions.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(9:24.) You should understand that the approach is the best one to use in life, generally speaking, but it will improve all conditions, even if you still have difficulties in certain areas (pause), and that its use cannot help but promote the overall quality of your lives. That recognition takes the pressure off, so that you can to some extent relax your old attitudes enough so that you allow the magical approach (long pause) to work in those areas that have been a bone of contention.

The magical approach puts you in harmony with your own individual knowledge of the universe. It puts you in touch with the magical feeling of yourself that you had as a child, and that is familiar to you at levels usually beyond your physical knowledge of yourself. It is better then, say, to use the approach because you recognize it for what it is, than to use it specifically in order to get something that you want, however beneficial. There is no doubt at my level that use of the approach can clear up Ruburt’s difficulties naturally and easily. If it is used because you recognize its inherent rightness in yourself, its inherent “superior stance,” then it automatically puts you in a position of greater trust and faith. It opens your options, enlarges your vista of comprehension, so that the difficulties themselves are simply no longer as important—and vanish from your experience in, again, a more natural manner (all intently).

(Long pause at 9:37.) In a fashion, all of the material that I have given you in the annals of our relationship was meant to lead you in one way or another to a place where the true nature of reality could at least be glimpsed. You are at that point now. In a manner of speaking Ruburt’s physical condition represents the bruises, the wounds inflicted upon any individual in his or her long journey (long pause) toward a greater comprehension of life’s experience. In religious terms you begin to glimpse a promised land—a “land” of psyche and reality that represents unimpeded nature (again all intently.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(10:05 PM. “Gee, that was pretty weird in some fashion,” Jane said as soon as she was out of trance, “to sense all kinds of things that were really different.” She paused. “I want to put my finger on it. I didn’t expect anything different tonight, but I have a feeling that whether you can take advantage of it or not, it represents a kind of turning point....”

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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