1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session april 22 1981" AND stemmed:person)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Jane had no questions for Seth. I told her I had lots of them, but had been refraining from asking them for the most part until we see what we can learn from the material. Some are personal, some more theoretical and/or general. I haven’t written down any of them.
(Now I did mention to Jane perhaps the overriding question I have, and have often puzzled about: the intensity of her personality’s response to the idea of the Sinful Self. Though, as I said, I didn’t think of her Sinful Self as something entirely separate from other portions of her personality, but as a part of them. Why didn’t the “Sinful Self” get the message that it’s gone too far, and back off at least somewhat so that the whole personality had room to breathe—to begin physical recovery, in other words? Its actions, as they are, are clearly self-defeating. There are many fascinating but serious questions here. Jane agreed.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(9:00.) His Sinful Self therefore tried to restate its position in order to right the situation, but its reasoning, again, was that a sense of grace was dependent upon the prior admission of a sinful reality. You have a divided self, of course, in that regard, operationally speaking, and this happens often in your society. The result is repression of one kind or another. The material I gave last night gives valuable information as to how to communicate with that portion of the personality, and bring it up to date, for example.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Give us a moment.... (Long pause.).... Once such material is out in the open all of the portions of the personality can work together. Until then you have parts operating at the very least without a sense of unity. (Long pause.) The Sinful Self was, again, formed in childhood. It can be comforted. It can be told now what it yearned to be told then—that it was indeed good, and not bad or evil, that it could indeed use its curiosity without the threat of abandonment, and that it could trust its own creativity and love of play.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]