1 result for (book:tps6 AND heading:"delet session april 21 1981" AND stemmed:knowledg)
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
(Long pause.) You are in the position of living in the ordinary world, while sensing those other fields of actuality in which that world has its existence. The Sinful Self idea can be detrimental in particular when it is faced by experience that must necessarily fall outside of its realm of reference. Both church and science, again, possess a deep suspicion of unofficial or revelatory knowledge, for this must necessarily involve the insertion of new information into a system unable to explain any facts but its own.
(9:34.) The same kind of recognizable standards that are normally applied to the true-or-false category do not work for such knowledge, since that knowledge is basically, automatically large enough to contain the entire true-or-false realm itself—that is, revelatory information puts true and false designations side by side, and ends up with a system large enough to contain both, in which each are seen as valid constructs that are only part of a larger view of psychological events.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]