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TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1982 9/27 (33%) superhuman thyroid crumbled helpless Synthroid
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session April 16, 1982 7:39 PM Friday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(After last Monday’s session, Jane told me that she’d try to hold private sessions when she could, but that at this time she’d rather be free of any expected routine, say of Monday and Wednesday nights. I agreed, of course. While waiting for the next session to develop, then, I’d busied myself working on her intro and my notes for Seth’s Dreams. I like the way it’s going, although Jane plans some revisions. But it’s a unique piece of work, and as I told her, we can use it to lay the foundation for much future work. Certainly I know of nothing else like it on the market.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(However, I’ve also discovered that I’ll have to watch my time if I want to get anything done—for “time” can slip away like smoke as I do chores, help nurses take care of Jane, or cook meals or take care of the cats or run errands. [Soon the grass, which is turning green, will need cutting, too.] I became quite concerned over the time element this afternoon when I saw that it was 2:45 before I could get back to the typewriter, when I’d quit work at 11:30 AM. By the time I could go back to work, I was in a half-angry, dejected mood. Jane picked this up, of course. I ended up taking a nap.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“Well, I guess I’ll do a Seth thing tonight,” Jane finally said, and rather to my surprise, “but it won’t be long at all....” When she did go into trance as we sat at the living room table, her voice had a distinct tremor—more so than on Monday night [April 12] and a farther-away or more distant feeling or sound. With many long pauses:)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(This information came through because Jane’s doctor, Marsha Kardon, had told her in the hospital that tests showed Jane’s thyroid gland had quit working altogether—with the concomitant fact that Jane would have to take a synthetic thyroid extract—Synthroid—daily for the rest of her life.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(And as Jane and I had discussed while she was in the hospital, she had indeed explored quite seriously the possibility of physical death—much more so than either of us had realized on conscious levels before her admittance to the hospital.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(8:10 PM. Jane’s Seth voice had strengthened somewhat as the session progressed. “I felt a little strange before the session,” she said, “but it was no problem.... My hands have been better and better, especially eating, but they’re sore, you know?” She does have somewhat less trouble using a fork, say, but still does about all of her eating with her left hand.

(We were very encouraged by two points especially that Seth had mentioned this evening: that Jane’s thyroid had repaired itself before—which event now could free her from dependence upon medication—and that the Sinful Self’s superhuman image had “cracked and crumbled in the hospital experience.”

(These represented key points, I told Jane. They were very important, for they’d leave the body free to heal itself. “We’ll see what develops. I wonder what you’ll be doing six months from now, if Seth’s right?” I asked. “Pretty interesting.... The body finally became so desperate to free itself of that rigid Sinful-Self superhuman image that it took itself into the hospital for a month—even if it did almost die in order to get itself in there. But it got rid of that image....” Jane agreed.

(I also had to wonder what Jane’s “Sinful Self” would have to say now, in comparison to the material Jane had received from it beginning in June 1981. Those first 40 or 50 pages that had been so revealing to us at the time....)

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