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TPS6 Deleted Session April 14, 1981 2/50 (4%) shuttle cautionary astray Sinful Ethel
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session April 14, 1981 9:42 PM Tuesday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(That event, as well as the launching of the shuttle Sunday morning, had been very emotional doings for me, somewhat to my surprise. “But what makes me so furious,” I said to Jane Sunday, “is that the species has the ability to accomplish something like that, but then makes such a mess of things back home on the planet. I have the awful suspicion that if we had enough shuttle craft, and there was a habitable planet within range, that we’d move key members of the species there, start over and try to leave all of our troubles behind, instead of trying to solve them.”

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

Again, the issue is not some hypothetical one, but one that directly affects people’s most private actions. It must be swept aside, and recognized clearly as having no natural part to play, for it is an anti-natural concept, flying in the face of the good intent of each of nature’s individuals of whatever species.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

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