1 result for (book:tps5 AND session:887 AND stemmed:person)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(And trusting her impulses, Jane slept for a couple of hours this afternoon—yet wasn’t happy with herself for doing so when she awoke. She was quieter than usual through supper and up until session time; although she said she wanted to hold the session. I suggested that we could go back to the old session routine of having a break halfway through, thus dividing book material from personal stuff that way, but she didn’t seem to think much of the idea, nor did it develop this evening.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Give us a moment.... You have vast reservoirs of energy in particular, both of you, that have been blocked simply because the natural person was simply ignored, and beliefs of the social person taken as the indisputable ones.
The natural person uses creative abilities spontaneously, and those abilities, as I have said often, will show themselves both in the area of Prentice and in the area of Ruburt’s physical condition when you allow them play and leeway.
The natural person (number one) looks at the world and tries to see how his or her abilities can best be utilized and fulfilled. That person grows through its knowledge and experience with the world, as long as there is no attempt to make the natural self over to fit the world. When you make that kind of attempt, it seems you are always between selves, and always disapprove of the self that you are.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]