1 result for (book:tps5 AND session:853 AND stemmed:energi)

TPS5 Session 853 (Deleted) May 14, 1979 1/32 (3%) feminine male creativity connotations prostitute
– The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 853 (Deleted) May 14, 1979 9:46 PM Monday

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(10:03.) The Catholic Church taught that revelation was dangerous. Intellectual and psychic obedience was much the safer road, and even the saints were slightly suspect. Women were inferiors, and in matters of religion and philosophy most of all, for there their creativity could be most disruptive. Women were considered hysterics, aliens to the world of intellectual thought, swayed instead by incomprehensible womanish emotions. She was to be handled by wearing down her energy through continual childbirth.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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