1 result for (book:tps5 AND session:844 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
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Even if you don’t consciously remember your dreams, you do get the message. Part of it will appear in your daily experience in one way or another—in your conversation or daily events. Our discussion about the Gallaghers not liking animals—really not liking them, was the exterior part of the dream (of March 31, involving the dogs). It brought up the same kind of questions, and Bill was in the dream (on March 29) before the one of the animals.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
You have many other ways, however, of deciphering that dream message. Dream memory and interpretation is the best, of course. It only occurs, however, under certain conditions, when the individual involved is at a certain state of awareness, in which he is ready to consciously accept such information as originating in dreams, and when the dreams are recognized by him as being an acceptable way of receiving information.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
Nuclear power stands for power, plain and simple. Is it good or bad? It stands in man’s dreams as belonging to God: the power of the universe (intently). Man has always considered himself, in your terms, as set apart from nature, so he must feel set apart from nature’s power—and there must be a great division in his dreams between the two.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
There was a tie-in, and it’s that the Christ drama happened as a result of man’s dream, at least, of achieving brotherhood—a quiet, secure sense of consciousness, and a morality that would sustain him in the physical world.
The Christ drama did splash over into historical reality. Man’s fears of not achieving brotherhood, of not achieving a secure state of consciousness, or a workable morality, result in his dreams of destruction, however they are expressed, and indeed, the present physical event as it exists now at the energy plant in Harrisburg can easily be likened to—and is—a warning dream to change man’s actions.
(End at 4:47 PM. “Okay,” Jane said. “I knew there was some connection between the Christ thing and what’s happening in the world today, and that was it. I like it when it’s fun, and that was fun. That was a nice smooth state of consciousness.”
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(“I finished the dreams and did the day’s dishes. Suddenly I got some material on dreams that I knew was from Seth. I called Rob, and when I told him what I had, a spontaneous Seth session began—most enjoyable from my standpoint.... My consciousness seemed to be riding on top of his [Seth’s] in a funny way.”
[... 2 paragraphs ...]