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TPS5 Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 2/51 (4%) Harrisburg nuclear dog dream drama
– The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 4:01 PM Sunday

[... 39 paragraphs ...]

There was a tie-in, and it’s that the Christ drama happened as a result of man’s dream, at least, of achieving brotherhood—a quiet, secure sense of consciousness, and a morality that would sustain him in the physical world.

The Christ drama did splash over into historical reality. Man’s fears of not achieving brotherhood, of not achieving a secure state of consciousness, or a workable morality, result in his dreams of destruction, however they are expressed, and indeed, the present physical event as it exists now at the energy plant in Harrisburg can easily be likened to—and is—a warning dream to change man’s actions.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

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