
1 result for (book:tps5 AND heading:"jane s dream sunday june 3 nap" AND stemmed:our)

TPS5 Jane’s Dream Sunday, June 3, Nap. 1/5 (20%) shadows Scene hide shackles storage
– The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Jane’s Dream Sunday, June 3, Nap.

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Scene 3—These same women, myself, and at least one man are hiding though I don’t remember why. We’re in a large storage building. Some men, maybe police, come in and we hide in the shadows; a door beside is going to open so we get down and drag ourselves on our bellies to another door at the end of the room to hide in the shadows. The man with us may have his hands in shackles or something; I have to help him climb over some walls. As we move toward door shadows, almost same, I see one woman carrying Rob’s landscape (the one in our bedroom) pushing it ahead of her. When we almost have it made one woman says to hell with it, she can’t take it another minute; she’s just going to stand up and show herself no matter what. I’m furious at her. Rob wakens me.

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