1 result for (book:tps5 AND heading:"delet session septemb 20 1978" AND stemmed:was)
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(Lately Jane has been looking over Fabric of The Universe, a book by Denis Postle. It was lent to us by Carlos Smith. Seth discusses some material that is an outgrowth of the book.)
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The West has forced the individual to stand besieged and alone, undermined by evolution, in which the individual’s only meaning lay in the survival of his species. Individualism was further undermined by the problems involved with capitalism. The poor man must struggle to get ahead, even if that means doing so at the expense of his neighbors, while saving his soul at the same time —a tricky, difficult venture indeed.
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It was, as I believe Ruburt has mentioned, a result of deep contemplation on your part about the bookstore murder, but in a larger context, involving probabilities, murderers, victims, and the beliefs involved.
The men were all united—that is, they agreed to the circumstances. No one was trying to run away, and in a way the murderer was performing a service. Any violence or hatred serves a purpose beyond itself, so that man in a way often performs services of which he is not consciously aware.
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Now: in those terms, and in the terms of this discussion, specifically, all assassins are paid assassins hired by the victims. Again, in the terms of this discussion, many murderers are overwhelmed by a sense of guilt, and the murderous act pinpoints the reason for the guilt—so the victim pays the murderer by giving a clear-cut, unassailable reason for a monstrous guilt that was before formless, and even more frightening, since it seemed to have no particular base, but an overwhelming vitality.
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Many such people feel before death that the body is a shell from which death will free them—and here you have a verbal symbol: the shell of the body, with a gun shell, and the soul being propelled out of the body, though that was not part of the dream. But if there is order to being, then there is order—and even the most chaotic-seeming episodes must and do have a larger meaning, and a constructive purpose.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]