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TPS5 Deleted Session December 8, 1980 3/26 (12%) Bufferin hips controversy editors issues
– The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 8, 1980 9:35 PM Monday

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(After last Monday night’s deleted session [on December 1], I told Jane that I wished I’d asked Seth a second question when he’d given me the chance: I’m very curious as to why I’m so fascinated by those hilltop towns in central southern Italy, inland from Naples. I’ve read now that over 170 of these settlements, some of them dating from Norman times, have been devastated by the great earthquake of November 23. This event made me physically aware of that area in a fresh way—especially the isolation, and what I take to be my symbolic interpretation of a simpler way of life. As I wrote in the closing notes for the 929th session, I’ve been reminded once again of my feelings reincarnationally concerning those towns and villages. Fantasy must be involved also.

(“I’m taking it for granted that I can have a session,” Jane said as we sat waiting for Seth to come through at 9:13 PM, “but I sure know that I’m awfully uncomfortable.” She referred to her hips and legs—the same areas that have bothered her a great deal now for a number of weeks. She especially has trouble leaning forward in her chair. She continues to have much trouble sleeping and getting up, alternated with blue periods, etc.

(She’s also developed a strange hearing problem in recent weeks. In recent days I’ve finally realized that she often doesn’t hear me speak in an average voice—especially so when she isn’t looking at me. At first I thought the dry air in the house during the winter was responsible, since for a while I thought I was having trouble hearing her—but this doesn’t seem to really apply. A couple of days ago we narrowed the cause down to the fact that since her hips and legs began to act up so, she’s been taking ten arthritis-strength Bufferin a day; this has been going on for a month or so, and is far more than she usually took. Jane cut out much of her dosage—and all of the Bufferin—and her hearing cleared up within a day or so. And for some reason, I can hear her better, too.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

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