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TPS5 Deleted Session December 8, 1980 8/26 (31%) Bufferin hips controversy editors issues
– The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 8, 1980 9:35 PM Monday

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(She’s also developed a strange hearing problem in recent weeks. In recent days I’ve finally realized that she often doesn’t hear me speak in an average voice—especially so when she isn’t looking at me. At first I thought the dry air in the house during the winter was responsible, since for a while I thought I was having trouble hearing her—but this doesn’t seem to really apply. A couple of days ago we narrowed the cause down to the fact that since her hips and legs began to act up so, she’s been taking ten arthritis-strength Bufferin a day; this has been going on for a month or so, and is far more than she usually took. Jane cut out much of her dosage—and all of the Bufferin—and her hearing cleared up within a day or so. And for some reason, I can hear her better, too.

(Yet Jane is in the midst of great discomfort, whether this represents healing changes taking place within her body or not, as Seth tells us it does. Her arms are noticeably longer. Twice today we had rather short discussions about our ideas of why the symptoms linger after all these years: nothing new, I’m afraid, although she said she felt better afterward—before getting blue again. Personally, I think we have learned little—or have much still to learn. Our talks reminded Jane of a group of private sessions Seth gave in 1973, so she looked those over before I came out to see if she wanted a session tonight. That old material concerned the work ethic, she said, and our attitudes about it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane vacillated several times between having and not having a session, before finally announcing that she felt Seth around. I told her that I thought she needed material about her own condition, that’s all I cared about.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Though the following advice runs counter to all accepted ideas of common sense, at such times look for what is right in your lives, rather than becoming overly concerned (underlined) with what is wrong. Otherwise, the intense desire for a solution can lead you to concentrate upon what is wrong, so that it becomes the entire issue.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Therefore his relationship with Tam Mossman was quite valuable to him, for it took a good deal of the unpredictable nature out of free-lance writing; particularly where projects like books were concerned rather than short stories, and particularly in an area that was itself controversial. All in all, he felt that to be a fairly reliable and adequate framework, whether or not he might get better terms someplace else financially, or in other ways. He long ago settled upon you and his writing, however.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The latest disclaimer issue simply falls into the same pattern, and therefore was added to it, but all of those issues involve his feelings and beliefs about work and creativity. Any issues with you also involved work and creativity, along with the expectations that you had of each other—not just in your married roles but as partners and colleagues in your artistic endeavors.

(9:55.) Overall, being is its own reward—not that there are not others, but that being obviously makes all of your experiences possible, so you cannot tie being up in a package of work only, regardless of the nature of the work. All of this goes back to ideas that existence must be justified, and Ruburt’s early ideas that writing would justify his life—but writing should express life, and is an expression of being, an expression of spontaneity, an expression of emotion, of body as well as mind (all intently).

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Painting and poetry, cleaning the house, seeing the tax man, doing chores —these are all expressions of being. They add to its quality, to its texture. They are part of life’s art. They are the raw stuff from which art comes, whether or not in any given case you can see the connections.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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