1 result for (book:tps5 AND heading:"delet session august 20 1979" AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
(9:49.) Many other issues were involved, as stated often—but all were based upon the misunderstanding of the spontaneous self—its creativity. To some extent the symptoms provided you both with a cushion against too many distractions from outsiders. They became very handy devices for a multitude of reasons. They can only serve so far, of course, before the body’s objections state most clearly its disagreement. Ruburt has been doing well and is heading in the proper directions, particularly with the ideas of effortlessness and informal self-hypnosis.
The session just referred to on the creative state has important hints that Ruburt has been using, but can use better. (Pause.) The symptoms have served, then, as a framework. Oftentimes body language is used in such cases, to state a situation, to communicate an attitude that is otherwise not clearly stated. Bringing such issues into the open does help, for the more consciously you become aware of what you are saying through a physical condition, the more adequately you can state it verbally, or in other ways. You do not need your body then to make such a statement for you.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
In such a state the channels to probabilities are open and receptive. Physical matter is seen out of the corners of mental eyes, so to speak. Matter actually pulsates at a different rate when you are in that kind of a creative state, so the body is then very amiable to healing. It all works together, you see.
[... 20 paragraphs ...]