1 result for (book:tps5 AND heading:"delet session august 13 1979" AND stemmed:ruburt)
[... 33 paragraphs ...]
(Pause.) Ruburt tried to prove his worth while being possessed of a fine intellect not considered womanly. All of this applied to your family situations. The more you each developed your individual abilities, the less you fit the sexual stereotypes to which your family (to me) in particular believed in so firmly.
To be a good male in that family’s eyes, it seemed you had to be the less an artist or the less a thinker. To appear as a good wife Ruburt had to appear less a thinker, less a writer, so that you each followed double standards for yourselves, each trying to appear to express completely different characteristics.
I do not know if I am expressing this clearly. Ruburt tried in the family to express independence, to show that he was (underlined) a writer, and at the same time he tried to express dependence, to show that he was a good wife, and this applied to many social relationships as well. If he succeeded as a writer, it seemed he was less the loyal wife, and sometimes in the past—the distant past—you felt the same when you tried to be “the male provider,” and take a job to satisfy that narrow role.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now you can drop such nonsense, and realize that often both of you have fought paper dragons. The same applies to Ruburt’s bouts with “work,” sometimes directly opposed to his ideas of creativity. He has to be “working” all the time, so people will see he is not just a dumb housewife. (I laughed.)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]