1 result for (book:tps5 AND heading:"delet session april 16 1979" AND stemmed:characterist)

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 2/67 (3%) taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional
– The Personal Sessions: Book 5 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session April 16, 1979 9:51 PM Monday

[... 35 paragraphs ...]

If you were just a writer or just an artist, or if Ruburt were just a writer or just a psychic, then neither of you would be involved in this endeavor, which is even in your terms, of such a creative nature that it defies definitions. It does not rest in either of you alone, but rises from joint psychological structures (intently) that you have formed together, each using what characteristics you could—psychological structures that you then can use to gain a viewpoint upon reality that is so unique.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(10:47.) The tax man is a well-meaning individual, far from a rogue, with his own problems, and in the dream this information is realized by you, and hence picked up by Nebene. Joyce, by his very characteristics, in his way stood for the confused but well-meaning-enough society. Ruburt felt he had paid his dues, physically speaking, and was done with that.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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