1 result for (book:tps4 AND session:810 AND stemmed:energi)
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When you see Ruburt going too far in one direction, and see him trying to alter that direction, you can indeed exert your energy, leadership and direction there, for the two of you also operate jointly as well as individually. So his overt action also represents latent action of your own that you are not expressing because you have too much sense. Each of you should now and then try to sense your individual power, for it goes out creatively in the books. It comes back to you as evidence when through the mail you see the books help people change the directions of their lives.
Ruburt must realize that his power and energy can, and indeed is, changing his body for the better. That confidence is important, and it is only where he, first of all, and you secondarily, doubt it that difficulty occurs.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
You have not thought it would have an effect. I am not telling you to take responsibility for Ruburt’s progress at all, but saying that it is certainly to your advantage, and his, that you exert more energy there in terms of active encouragement. There will be times when you are discouraged, each of you, but when one has confidence at any time, the other can use it. It is that one area where each of you believed you had no power to change events, and that belief could impede your progress, at least, even when both of you want a change.
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