1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session may 3 1978" AND stemmed:belief)
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You have both done well since our last session. Ruburt on his own began to give the old suggestion “My legs and knees can bear my weight,” for he suddenly realized that that was indeed true. His fears, unexpressed, now being given expression, led him to certain beliefs about the body. I am giving this material again for your easy current reference. He can indeed walk easier and better now —another suggestion that he can begin to use. There will be variations, however, as you must understand from material I have given you recently.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
John Wayne represented old lines of conventionalized beliefs about the male. Wayne represented feelings about the male that you received in your background from your father, and through boyhood movies, in which the male could afford affectionate behavior or conversation—only with his horse (with amusement). In other words, the uncommunicative male, who was afraid of open sentiment. The dream was in response to our last session, in part, and of your own musings as a result. You saw yourself as separate from Wayne, and able to manipulate much more quickly. And your feelings in the dream toward him were your feelings toward those old beliefs.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The couple represented old fears; again, interpretations of your father’s beliefs, that young couples become trapped by the fires of desire, and could not escape; that the man could not hold himself apart, but would be devoured by the sentiments of love that would consume him. Those fears of your father’s were given a less frightening, more conventionalized and safer image in John Wayne, who escapes such situations by refusing intimate entanglements, and is “free to roam the range.”
[... 13 paragraphs ...]